Stylish Lovely
Blog Blogger
Enough of the word play Claire, we have important business to attend to! I was, a while ago, nominated by the lovely Alex of miceandminutae for a Stylish Blogger Award, and only last night she awarded me again with a Lovely Blog Award. How chuffed am I?! So I thought I'd best get off my backside and do my own nominations, as I have managed to forget for so long now that Alex must be growing old waiting for me to pull my socks up and get on with it.
一 Sushi and olives are the only two things I crave more than chocolate.
二 My birthmark is shaped like an eye and is on the sole of my right foot.
三 My first car was a 1994 Italian Job original Mini. I called her Honey. She was racing green with a black roof and Italian Job trimmings, complete with flags on the seats.
四 I am not Italian.
五 My Mum taught me how to knit, my Nana taught me how to increase and decrease stitches. Thrilling stuff.
六 I went to a private Masonic school. Yes, they do exist and yes, it was posh and wierd. I loved it.
七 When I was 13 I concussed myself falling over on an ice rink. Before the accident I wasn't very good at school, after it I was a straight A student. I think this is significant...
八 Put me near an ice rink and I'll cry.
九 My biggest fears are large ships and submarines. My Dad thinks this is hilarious.
十 This is fact number ten.
Stylish Blogger Awards
If you like you can link back to me, write 8 facts about yourself, nominate 8 blogs and tell them.
Lovely Blog Awards
Glossary, ess-arr, Victoria Stitch, Inside a Black Apple, Culture Connoisseur, Crochet Clouds, allsorts, topography toward a parallel universe, angry chicken, and, and, GAH!! I need to follow more blogs...
If you so desire you can link back to me, write 7 facts about yourself, nominate 15 blogs (if you can!) and tell them.
Well thank you much Claire! I humbly accept. It's my second lovely award and..well, that makes me feel lovely.
You deserve these awards! I love your off the cuff writing style! :)
Thank you Claire....I see we're in good are well deserved lovely as well....
i love the colour of the lips eautiful. I wish I could create such detailed and elicate work! ad thanks you for the tag aswell :)
I loved learning those things about you! And thank you for nominating me, that's so sweet, but I must admit that I haven't the slightest idea what to do, being relatively new to blog etiquette:)
I can't wait to see the finished product of your painting!
Thanks for the award.
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