

... I was supposed to be writing essays for the next couple of weeks, I know.  But yesterday while I was typing away in the library my right wrist started to tingle and before I knew it my veins were bulging and my lower fingers were slightly blue.  'Oh dear', I thought, and popped off to see the nurse.  Well, I have been signed off of writing essays for at least a week, or indeed from using my right hand at all.  Fun.  

So here I am, typing a blog post with my left hand like a pre-schooler, because I can't do nothing at all and in fact I'm very bad at doing nothing at all because I'm always doing something even when I say I'm doing nothing and... yeah, you get the idea.

To change the subject slightly, I have noticed of late that, more often than not, I smell like an old lady.  Not my fault.  It's my room - old Birmingham terraces with a window that leaks = musty.  Musty musty musty musty.  So I attacked my wardrobe, shoved all my clothes on rinse and set about making some new wardrobe smellies with an old dress and a smashed up bath bomb.  Voila!  I now smell like an old lady's knicker drawer.  Slight improvement.


Unknown said...

sorry to hear about your injury!

<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons

jess said...

Hope your hand get better.

Winnie said...

Hope your hand gets better Claire. Also looking forward to seeing your new blonde fringe this coming Friday. I managed to walk into Lush the other day but I left pretty sharpish...STILL can't handle walking in there for too long.

Alex said...

what? they just TURNED blue? what is it? I'm sorry about your finguhs! in an act of solidarity I typed this with only me left hand, too. with God as my witness, I will not use my right hand until you can once again use yours! well, that might be a sliiiiiiiiiight exaggeration, and I keep hitting the caps lock instead of 'a' so this will probably be my only foray into left handedness. but feel better!

Claire said...

Aww Alex, you rock!